Moab: Zen & Photography
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Capture The Majesty of Moab - Sold Out!

March 22-25, 2024
Double Occupancy: $875 per person
Single Occupancy: $950 per person
Airfare is not included.

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Please join us for a unique and inspiring creative experience that combines elements of a traditional nature photography workshop with those of a Zen meditation retreat. Zen philosophy has much to teach the Western artistic mind about being present in the moment, paying attention, spontaneity, balance, and the interconnection of all things. This program will integrate these principles in the pursuit of creating elegant and expressive images of the natural world. Each day will involve a set of morning and evening photoshoots in some of the world’s most spectacular scenery, including the vistas of Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, Castle Valley, and the banks of the Colorado River. Participants will hone their technical photography skills, including conveying motion, depth of field, astrophotography, and advance digital techniques, in addition to practicing meditation exercises on light, form, and movement. The program will be based out of the iconic Red Cliffs Lodge on the banks of the Colorado River fifteen miles outside Moab. Food and lodging included.

Tour Highlights Include:

  • Four days of full-time professional photographic instructions and inspirations provided by professional adventure photographer Jonathan Duncan of Alpine Vision Media
  • Three nights accommodation at the amazing Red Cliffs Lodge on the Colorado River
  • Guided reflections and photographic meditation, mindful use of our attention, and visualization and use of photographic techniques
  • Daily breakfasts and three dinners included

Photos courtesy Jonathan Duncan

Canyonland Vista

Daily Itinerary

Friday, March 22, Welcome to the Red Cliffs Lodge

Welcome everyone! Our home base for the weekend is the iconic Red Cliff Lodge located right on the banks of the Colorado River thirteen miles outside Moab. Our program together will begin with an initial trip meeting after check-in, followed by an early dinner at the lodge.

Hotel: Red Cliffs Lodge
Meals: D

Saturday, March 23, Motion, Mindfulness, and Technique

We will meet this morning before sunrise along the banks of the Colorado River. Our first exercise will be a photographic meditation on motion. Jonathan will introduce a few techniques used to convey motion in still photographs, and everyone will have the opportunity to practice and attempt to connect to the flow of the river. After breakfast, we will have our first formal lesson on photographic technique. This will include a discussion on the uses of depth of field, shutter speeds, equipment, and other advanced techniques. Later in the morning we will go through a series of exercises in “mindfulness” and explore how these techniques can be used in photography. The afternoon will include a short natural history hike up the Grandstaff Trail, followed by dinner and an evening photoshoot in Arches National Park.

Hotel: Red Cliffs Lodge
Meals: B, D

Sunday, March 24, Light and Composition

This morning’s photoshoot will be an exercise in composition and lighting. We will apply some of the mindfulness exercises we discussed in an effort to start really seeing the forms and patterns before us. We will practice visualizing how the light will be rendered into the photograph, and to communicate our vision through the distinct language of the camera. The afternoon will be spent exploring and documenting the Green River Overlook of Canyonlands National Park. We will take a number of short walks to experience the different landscapes and vistas of this iconic geography. The day will culminate with a sunset photoshoot at the spectacular Confluence Overlook.

Hotel: Red Cliffs Lodge
Meals: B, D

Monday, March 25, Cumulating Skills

On our final morning together we will return once again to the banks of the Colorado River. Our last exercise will be to combine all the elements of our program into one final photo meditation: on light, form, motion... and the mindful use of our attention to create the evocative visions waiting to be expressed.

Meals: B

Jonathan Duncan

headshot of jonathon DUncanJonathan Duncan has over twenty five years experience working as a professional photojournalist specializing in stories of the natural world and the geography and culture of Buddhist Asia. He serves as the adjunct professor of Adventure Media and Photography at Westminster College, and teaches course on the Geography of Buddha, the Sacred Mountains of the World, and Creativity, Communication & Consciousness through the Osher Institute and Lifelong Learning at the University of Utah. You can view his work at

desert stars

Details and What to Expect


We want you to arrive in Moab knowing what to expect. About a month before the trip you’ll meet with your fellow travelers and guide. We’ll talk about what to pack, how to get from place to place, and give you insider tips so that you arrive in Moab ready to take pictures. This is a great way to meet your fellow travelers and get excited about the trip.

About Moab

We chose March because as the days get longer and the red rocks start to warm, we are able to shake off the cold winter and explore Moab before the crowds and the heat arrive. It is a beautiful time of year to catch the sunlight and shadows among it's many vistas.


March in Moab can be cool. The temperature averages 64 degrees during the day and 34 in the evening, and it may rain or snow during the trip. Plan your wardrobe around being physically active, but cool, and make sure to pack so you are ready to layer.

Activity Levels and Restrictions

In order to fully explore the items on our itinerary, we will be walking and hiking every day. Most of our journey will be on local trails, but we may encounter wet conditions, ice, and steep climbs. Be sure to pack comfortable and capable hiking shoes! This is an Activity Level 2 trip. Learn More about our .


March 22-25, 2024


Tour is limited to 20 participants


Double Occupancy: $875 per person
Single Occupancy: $950 per person
See for payment and cancellation details.

Daily Details
  • Friday
    • Check-in 3PM
    • Trip Briefing
    • Castle Valley Photoshoot
  • Saturday
    • Sunrise photoshoot along the banks of the Colorado River
    • Morning: Photo technique lesson
    • An introduction to mindfulness and insight meditation
    • Afternoon: natural history hike and lesson up Grandstaff Trail
    • Sunset dinner and photoshoot in Arches National Park
  • Sunday
    • Sunrise photoshoot
    • Morning: Photographic composition and lighting lesson
    • Group reading and journaling exercise
    • Afternoon/evening photoshoot in Canyonlands National Park
  • Monday
    • Sunrise photoshoot
    • Workshop conclusion/discussion
    • Checkout 11AM

Photos courtesy Jonathan Duncan