Instructor: IRENE OTA



After 40 years, Irene Maya Ota retired from the University of Utah. She has a BA in Cultural Anthropology, a master's in public administration, and has education (all but dissertation) in the Ph.D. program. in Education, Culture, and Society. Her research interests focus on critical space theory, identity formation, and social justice advocacy and action. She has taught social justice courses for over 20 years.

Her life experiences and education have spurred her interest and passion in social justice education, issues, and advocacy.

What Students are Saying:

"I think everyone in the room expanded their knowledge and skills to better understand and communicate in sensitive situations. [Irene] showed authentic and long-standing passion for the content. She shared her life experiences and inspired all of us to learn and unlearn important skills, just as advertised in the course title. I hope more folks will take this course (and others like it) with open hearts and minds."-Diane B.

"Thought provoking. Excellent insight from both instructors. Left feeling very informed." - Sarah A

"This was such an informative class. There were so many tools provided that I can take with me to provide better patient care. Thank you." - Tracy S

IRENE OTA is currently teaching:

Class Title Semester Date(s) Program
An Introduction to Antidiscrimination Response Fall 11/16/24 Lifelong Learning

IRENE OTA has previously taught:

  • Resolving Conflict: Living and Working with People of Differing Backgrounds, Perceptions and Beliefs
  • What is Gender: Beyond the Binary
  • The Power of Bias and Microaggressions: Awareness and Intervention