Tom has been the Maintenance Service Manager for the 412-unit Mission Meadow Brook Apartments since 1991; he has worked in maintenance since 1980. Tom troubleshoots projects from roofing to swimming pools and everything in between.

What Students are Saying:

"Tom has amazing knowledge of everything related to home maintenance and repair. He presented it in an understandable and pleasant manner. He answered our questions, no matter how basic, kindly, and we never stumped him. Great class."-Janie R.

"Tom did a great job of using props (electrical switches, toilet, etc) while talking through each topic area. It helped a great deal to see the actual item. He set a good pace for the discussions and answered all questions so it was an interactive class. Tom is great. He started the class by saying a goal is to help us feel confident in trying to do our own repairs, and he succeeded! I do feel confident because he 'demystified' a lot of unknowns. Keep offering this class."-Sonya W.

THOMAS ARNOLD is currently teaching:

Class Title Semester Date(s) Program

THOMAS ARNOLD has previously taught:

  • Homeowner Basics