Instructor: LESLY ALLEN


Lesly Allen has served as the Executive Arts Director with the South Salt Lake Arts Council for the past 9 years. Lesly has a Masters Degree in Non-Profit Arts Administration from Westminster College. As Co-Founder and Producer of SSL's annual Mural Fest, Lesly devotes much of her time to using public art and creative placemaking as a way to strengthen communities and bring people together. Lesly, a life-long Salt Lake native, is the mother of four daughters and loves to ski, ride motorcycles and travel to France with her partner.

Instructor's website:

What Students are Saying:

"I did not know of the history of the murals. It was very interesting and now I am excited to take friends and family on my own mural tour."
-Suzanne S.

"Knowledgeable teacher, interesting community-development project, terrific murals!"
-Sherilyn S.

"I had no idea that there was such beautiful public art in South Salt Lake. It was delightful to learn about mural fest and how the artists are chosen and the processes they use. Lesly did a great job."
- Vicki B.

LESLY ALLEN is currently teaching:

Class Title Semester Date(s) Program
Murals Build Community: A Biking Tour Fall 8/22/24 Lifelong Learning

LESLY ALLEN has previously taught:

  • Murals Build Community: A Walking Tour of Mural Fest
  • Murals Build Community Walking Tour