

Hannah Muetzelfeld, PhD, is a dedicated scientist-practitioner specializing in building sustainable relationships. With years of experience working closely with couples and publishing related research, she employs empirically-backed methods to foster connection, enhance communication, and navigate conflict. Her expertise extends to helping individuals and couples manage insecurities and overcome past emotional injuries, ultimately leading to greater satisfaction in relationships. Her work not only enriches the understanding of how relationships thrive but also informs practical interventions that empower couples to cultivate lasting and fulfilling connections.

In addition to her professional accomplishments, Hannah is deeply committed to creating a safe and inclusive space for all. As a queer-affirming practitioner, she prioritizes understanding and supporting the unique experiences and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals and couples, ensuring that her workshops and presentations are welcoming and affirming.

What Students are Saying:

"Great instructors. Extremely valuable content, applicable to all sorts of relationships, not limited to romantic partnerships. Honestly this should be a required class in elementary or secondary education settings! Take it whenever you can."
-Anonymous Student.

"The instructors are knowledgeable and gifted presenters. The content is evidence based and priceless. I'd recommend this class to anyone who wants to understand your relationships (and yourself) better."
-Rachel B.

"Very useful for any human"
-Kathleen D.

HANNAH MUETZELFELD is currently teaching:

Class Title Semester Date(s) Program
Doing the Work: Cultivating and Sustaining a Fulfilling Relationship Fall Online, Starting: 9/21/24 Lifelong Learning