

Bill Parkinson graduated from the University of Utah's Department of Philosophy in 1972. He has taught at Westminster College and started Utah's first accredited Yoga and Tai Chi Programs. Bill was initiated into the Ananda Marga International Yoga Society in 1970. He has received the title of Yogi Viirishwara in 1974. Over the years Bill has taught for the Modern Dance Department, the Exercise and Sports Science Department, and the Theatre Department. His classes are a rich blend of Tai Chi, Yoga, meditation and movement. He currently teaches classes for the Theatre Department, Youtheatre, and E.S.S. Department. Bill conducts workshops and lectures both on and off campus.

WILLIAM PARKINSON is currently teaching:

Class Title Semester Date(s) Program

WILLIAM PARKINSON has previously taught:

  • Tai Chi Yoga Movement
  • Tai Chi: Elementary