Instructor: EMILY NELSON



Emily Nelson D.M.A.

Emily enjoys a lively career as a singer and educator. Her enjoyment of a wide variety of styles has led her down diverse musical paths, from opera to Brazilian pop, Appalachian ballads, jazz, and atonal art music. In 2009 she co-founded Utopia Early Music with tenor Christopher LeCluyse, bringing professional performances of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music to the Salt Lake music scene. She recently sang with the Ohio Light Opera as Elsie Maynard in "The Yeoman of the Guard", Adele in "Die Fledermaus", and as a braid-swinging Wagnerian soprano in Victor Herbert's "Dream City and the Magic Knight", which was released by Albany Records in 2015.

Emily holds degrees in voice, music history, and early music performance from Indiana University and the University of Utah.

EMILY NELSON is currently teaching:

Class Title Semester Date(s) Program
Introduction to Music Spring, Summer, Fall Multiple Academic Noncredit
World Music Summer, Fall Multiple Academic Credit

EMILY NELSON has previously taught:

  • Introduction to Music
  • Survey of Jazz
  • Jazz: Survey of
  • World Music