Tim Chambless, PhD, has taught seven different courses for the University of Utah's Department of Political Science since 1987. He has also taught courses for the U's departments of Communication and History as well as the English Language Institute. Tim has worked for a mayor, a governor, a senator, and a congressional representative. He served for over 20 years on Salt Lake City's Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment, and he has participated in more than 30 political campaigns. Tim emphasizes current events and contemporary world problems in the study of American government as both an experiment in democracy and as a tool for solving societal problems. He has taught for Osher since 2007.

TIMOTHY CHAMBLESS is currently teaching:

Class Title Semester Date(s) Program
Current Issues in American Public Affairs and Politics Fall Multiple Osher Lifelong Learning

TIMOTHY CHAMBLESS has previously taught:

  • Terrorism Law vs. Personal Liberties