Stan and Diane Henderson are a team-teaching dynamic duo. They are both avid readers: Stan reads history; Diane reads fiction. In other lives, Stan would have been a history professor and Diane an English professor. They have teamed up to share their passion for history and literature with the Osher community. In their previous worlds, Stan was the vice chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Life at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, and Diane was an educational program planner and consultant. Both earned baccalaureate and degrees at Michigan State University. Stan earned an MA in Government at Cornell. Diane earned an MA in Communication at MSU. Both say they are currently failing retirement.

STAN HENDERSON is currently teaching:

Class Title Semester Date(s) Program
History and Literature: "James" Spring Online, Starting: 5/02/25 Osher Lifelong Learning

STAN HENDERSON has previously taught:

  • History and Literature: "The Librarian of Burned Books"
  • History and Literature: "The Women"