Cuba Revealed
Go Learn

February 02-09, 2019
Double Occupancy: $5300 per person
Single Occupancy: $5800 per person
Airfare is not included.

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Professor Al Campbell

Al CampbellAl Campbell is a retired Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Utah. The Cuban economy has been one of his central research areas. Being engaged in professional research there has allowed him to visit the island yearly since 1991, and follow in person the tumultuous though peaceful changes on the Island over the last two decades in a way not then possible for most Americans.

Cuba is known world-wide for its distinctive socio-political-economic system, but as any of the 2 million non-American tourists who go there every year would confirm, it’s fascinating for many reason in addition to that. Cuba is its art, its music and dance, its architecture, its natural attractions, its history and its culture. Cuba above all is its people. Come sample a bit of all of these in the most remote and unknown of our next-door neighbors.

In Partnership with:

Collin Laverty, Founder and President of Cuba Educational Travel

Collin LavertyRun by Collin Laverty, a leading expert on Cuba and U.S.-Cuba relations, Cuba Educational Travel organizes educational exchange programs and people-to-people travel for U.S. citizens and residents to Cuba. We believe our two countries have much to learn from each other and meaningful exchanges that foster dialogue can be highly beneficial to strengthening the artistic, environmental, medical, scientific, and social science communities in the U.S. and Cuba. Most importantly, increased travel and people-to-people contact will strengthen ties between ordinary Americans and Cubans.

Cuba Educational Travel's mission is to connect the people of the United States and Cuba. This is done through coordinating travel between both countries – in both directions – to facilitate two-way learning; as well as producing studies and publications about issues of mutual concern and organizing events in the United States that deal with issues related to Cuba and U.S.-Cuba relations.