Solute Transport and Subsurface Remediation
Academic Noncredit

Meets with GEO 6390, 7390. Application of principles of ground water hydrology and contaminant chemistry in the quantification and characterization of physical, chemical and biological processes influencing subsurface hazardous waste. Topics include: quantification of advective-dispersive transport of conservative and reactive solutes, transport in granular and fractured media, application of environmental regulations and toxicological parameters, design of air-stripping, carbon adsorption, soil vapor extraction, surfactant enhanced extraction, bio-venting, bio-augmentation, solidification, and capture systems. Class project involves design of remediation system for a hypothetical site.

This noncredit class meets with a regular University of Utah credit course.

Online book and material fees may be added up until the first week of class. Students may opt out during the first two weeks of class. For more information, visit the Campus Store Inclusive Access Program's webpage. If you opt out, you will be responsible for obtaining the course materials yourself for the course.

Questions? Call Academic Programs at 801-585-9963 or use our online form.

Class Sections For Solute Transport and Subsurface Remediation (GEO 539)

Spring 2025 Section 1, Starting on: 01/06/2025

Students must also register for GEO 538-001

Date(s) Day Time Location
01/06/25 - 04/22/25 TTh 2:00 pm -3:20 pm FREDERICK ALBERT SUTTON BUILDING 206
Tuition: $505.00      



Questions? Call Academic Programs at 801-585-9963 or use our online form.