Kayaking: Whitewater II
Academic Noncredit

Students learn and practice new skills, in addition to perfecting those previously acquired. Safety, Leave NoTrace, resource management covered. More physical conditioning. No camping.

This noncredit class meets with a regular University of Utah credit course.

Online book and material fees may be added up until the first week of class. Students may opt out during the first two weeks of class. For more information, visit the Campus Store Inclusive Access Program's webpage. If you opt out, you will be responsible for obtaining the course materials yourself for the course.

Questions? Call Academic Programs at 801-585-9963 or use our online form.

Class Sections For Kayaking: Whitewater II (PRTW 318)

Fall 2025 Section 1, Starting on: 09/25/2025

This pool class is for students to become proficient with basic kayaking strokes and skills and to become more familiar with basic river safety considerations, river classifications and whitewater paddling resources. Previous kayaking experience is required. Completion of the Beginning Kayaking class is recommended but at a minimum, the student should be able to maintain balance in a solo kayak, brace, paddle forward, backward, turn and stop the boat at will. In the process, we will get some exercise and have some fun. Class meets in the HPR Natatorium Sept 25, Oct 2, 16, 23, 30, Nov 6, 13 only. Attendance at 1st class meeting is mandatory. Drops not possible after 2nd day following this meeting. To determine the last day to drop this miscellaneous course, see http://registrar.utah.edu/handbook/miscellaneous.php. There may be additional expenses that students will need to cover to participate in this course. These items may include food, gear rentals, and transportation costs. More details will be made available during the pre-course meeting.

Date(s) Day Time Location
09/25/25 - 11/13/25 Th 6:00 pm -8:00 pm HPER NATATORIUM B
Tuition: $298.00 + Special Fee: $38.00 = $336.00      

Instructor: ERIC GARDNER

Registration begins on Apr 07, 2025

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Questions? Call Academic Programs at 801-585-9963 or use our online form.