Date(s) | Class Title |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Peoples and Cultures of Europe (ANTH 327) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Peoples and Cultures of Latin America (ANTH 314) |
Multiple | Prehistoric Archaeology (ANTH 103) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Primates: Studying our Closest Relatives (ANTH 228) |
Multiple | Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON 202) |
Multiple | Probability and Statistical Inference for Economists (ECON 364) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Psychology as a Science and Profession: Orientation to (PSY 201) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Psychology: General (PSY 101) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Psychopathology (ED PS 350) |
Multiple | Quality Intimate Relationships (ED PS 565) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Resilience & Divorce (ED PS 564) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Secrets of the Greatest Snow on Earth (ATMOS 100) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Social Organization: Tribes to Global Systems (ANTH 215) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Social Statistics (SOC 312) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Sociology of Rock and Roll (SOC 341) |
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