Instructor: JULIE NELSON


By day, Julie Jensen Nelson is an appellate attorney at the boutique law firm, Zimmerman Jones Booher LLC. Evenings and weekends, she teaches preparatory courses in LSAT, GMAT, and GRE. She has also taught ACT and SAT. She started teaching these classes at Kaplan, and moved to Continuing Education in 2003. Julie earned an Honors BA in English Literature from the University of Utah and was initiated into Phi Beta Kappa in 1999. She earned her Juris Doctor from the University of Utah in 2003. After law school, she clerked for four judges at the Utah Supreme Court and Utah Court of Appeals. She has two rambunctious but adorable sons, one rambunctious but adorable dog, and a very patient husband. The #1 item on her bucket list is to visit all 50 states before she turns 50.

JULIE NELSON is currently teaching:

Class Title Semester Date(s) Program

JULIE NELSON has previously taught:

  • St. George GRE Prep Course
  • GRE Prep Course
  • LSAT Prep Course
  • GMAT Prep Course