Professional Certificate in Financial Planning

Financial Planning

Improve your career options with a professional certificate in Financial Planning

With a Professional Financial Planning Certificate from the University of Utah you will fulfill the educational requirements to sit for the CFP Certification Examination. The CFP® Certification is one of the most recognized designations in the financial advising industry. Completing the education requirement is an important step toward the CFP® certification.

In this 18-credit equivalent program, you will learn a broad range of personal financial planning concepts in the areas of insurance and income tax planning, retirement and estate planning, and investment strategies. The curriculum is designed to prepare you for career success and follow guidelines established by Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. This is a six-course, online program.

This certificate is offered in collaboration with the Department of Family and Consumer Studies with the College of Social and Behavioral Science. These collaborative noncredit certificates utilize existing for-credit classes and as such, have unique application requirements which are described in the information below.

Begin the Certificate Here

Who Should Attend

This program prepares individuals for careers in the financial planning field. It is designed for:

  • Those seeking to obtain the CFP certification
  • Individuals who desire to launch a career in the financial planning field with credibility and expertise
  • Professionals seeking a career change to positions in the field of financial planning
  • Professionals currently working in the financial industry who want to increase opportunities for career advancement

The Value of the Certified Financial Planner Certificate

  • Build your future by Helping Others Build Theirs: Earning the CFP credential leads to high income potential in a dynamic and respected profession. CFP professionals realize the satisfaction that comes from helping people plan for their futures. As a financial planner with valuable expertise, you can expect personal satisfaction as well as financial rewards.
  • Make an Impact: Solve financial problems, help people meet their financial goals, and serve as trusted advisor, counselor and coach.
  • Signal Credibility and Integrity: CFP® certification demonstrates a deep knowledge and commitment to personal financial planning.
  • Enjoy Security in a Growing Field: The financial planning career path is expected to grow substantially in the coming years. According to Consumer Reports Money Advisor, the population of financial advisors is expected to grow 32% in the next decade. US News & World Report recently rated a career as a financial advisor as #4 in Best Business Jobs and #41 on their list of the top 100 Best Jobs.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this certificate program, students should be able to:

  • Feel confident knowing they’ve covered all the CFP Board required topics, and are ready to sit for the exam once all courses are complete.
  • Demonstrate expertise with advanced professional issues in personal financial planning, including regulatory compliance, investment, retirement, risk management, insurance, tax and estate planning. Effectively apply and integrate this information in the formulation of a financial plan. (Knowledge Base)
  • Follow financial services regulations and apply CFP Board Financial Planning Practice Standards. (Ethics and Rules)
  • Establish the relationship with a client and effectively communicate the financial plan, both orally and in writing. (Communication)
  • Collect all necessary and relevant qualitative and quantitative information required to develop a financial plan and gather client data (Data Collection)
  • Analyze and evaluate the client's financial status, personal values, and family priorities. (Analysis)
  • Develop comprehensive plans, present financial planning recommendations, and implement financial plans. (Plan Development and Implementation)

The CFP Board Exam

This noncredit Financial Planning Certificate Program is a registered program with the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. The program meets specific criteria set forward by the CFP® Board for educating individuals who wish to fulfill the Education component for obtaining CFP® certification. Individuals who meet the CFP® Board's education requirement are eligible to sit for the CFP® Certification Examination. Successful completion of the Education and Examination components completes two of the four core prerequisites to obtain CFP® certification. The other two components are Experience and Ethics.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, which it awards to individuals who successfully complete initial and ongoing certification requirements. The University of Utah does not certify individuals to use the CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and certification marks. CFP® certification is granted only by Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. to those persons who, in addition to completing an educational requirement such as this CFP Board-Registered Program, have met its ethics, experience, and examination requirements.

For more information regarding the CFP® certification process, please visit

Courses – Six (6) noncredit courses are required to be passed within four (4) years of starting the first class. For students new to the financial industry, a seventh (7th) course may be required. See “Prerequisites” below.

Format – All courses are offered online, with some in-person offerings of FCSC 350 varying by term. Courses are semester-long and follow the academic calendar

Prerequisites –All of the following prerequisites apply to this program.

  1. Students must have a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited university with at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
  2. Students with little or no experience in the financial industry will be required to take FCSC 350 prior to beginning the other 6 required courses.
  3. FCSC 555 must be taken in the last semester of study, as the previous 5 courses are prerequisites to registering for this class.
  4. This noncredit certificate program is not open to University of Utah matriculated (degree-seeking) students.

Course Sequencing – All courses are offered in a regular sequence each year (except for FCSC 350, which is offered every semester). Students should plan on taking courses in ascending order. Please see the table below for course availability.

Fall Semester Spring Semester
FCSC 550 FCSC 553
FCSC 551 FCSC 554
FCSC 552
FCSC 555

Average Time to Complete – The time required to complete the certificate will vary depending on the students’ availability to take classes. Students must complete all courses within four (4) years to earn the certificate. Below is the recommended schedule for program completion. Students who are unable to complete the courses as recommended should meet with an advisor to discuss alternative options.

1 year/ 3 semesters

Semester Classes Taken
Fall (Year 1) FCSC 550, FCSC 551, FCSC 552
Spring (Year 1) FCSC 553, FCSC 554
Fall (Year 2) FCSC 555

The Professional Certificate in Financial Planning requires six noncredit courses. Courses are offered during a traditional 16-week semester and meet with for-credit sections.

Optional Course

FCSC 350 Financial Skills for Life

This course will introduce students to the theory and practice of financial planning. Students will receive an overview of specific areas of financial planning such as income tax planning, investment planning, retirement planning and estate planning. In addition, the course will present topics on the concepts of time value of money, insurance planning, and the practice of personal financial planning by professional planners.

Required Courses

FCSC 550 Risk Management & Insurance Planning for Families

This course provides an introduction to financial planning concepts and in-depth study of risk management concepts, tools, and strategies for individuals and families, such as health, disability, and long-term care insurance; life insurance; property and casualty insurance; liability insurance; and Social Security. Assignments and case studies will provide experience in selecting insurance products suitable for individuals and families. The objectives required from the Board of Standards for the Certified Financial Planner designation will be covered.

FCSC 551 Building Family Wealth: Investment and Life Insurance Planning

This course introduces risk-return concepts, debt and equity securities, and options and futures contracts. The course uses a portfolio project to evaluate the array of financial instrument investment alternatives and their risk profile. Participants analyze expected return characteristics, individually and in combination within a portfolio. Different investment strategies and valuation models are used to understand basic investment principles and practices.

FCSC 552 Retirement and Benefit Planning for Families

This course includes the comprehensive study of qualified and non-qualified retirement plans, other tax-advantaged plans, and employee benefits. In addition, this course will present an overview of the Social Security, disability and health care programs.

FCSC 553 Income Tax Planning for Families

The application of income tax laws to the transactions of individuals and businesses is important in planning for the avoidance, minimization, and deferral of taxation. This course examines the federal income tax system with particular reference to the income taxation of individuals, sole proprietorships, partnerships, LLCs, and corporations (including S corporations).

FCSC 554 Protecting Family Wealth: Insurance and Estate Planning

This course will provide students with an introduction to estate planning and the taxation of estates for the purposes of financial planning. Topics covered by this course include the tax implications of gifts and bequests, federal estate tax, revocable and irrevocable trusts, including bypass and marital deduction trusts.

FCSC 555 Financial Planning Capstone

This course will cover and review in depth some of the different areas of financial planning necessary to complete a comprehensive financial plan for a client. During this course students will work individually and in groups to bring knowledge together from each of the relevant pre-requisite courses to evaluate case study situations representing samples of what may be encountered in the work place as a CFP Professional. Prerequisites: FCSC 550, 551, 552, 553, 554 or instructor approval.

Noncredit tuition for each course is $800. Textbooks are an additional cost and may be included as an “Instant Access” fee (see below for more information). There is an additional $195 fee for the final class in the series, FCSC 555, that is specifically for the education verification of the student charged to us by the CFP Board. The cost of the full certificate is $4,995, not including textbooks or other course materials.

The University of Utah Campus Store has a course materials program called Instant Access which provides digital course materials/textbooks to students at a reduced cost. If your instructor participates, you should receive an email prior to the first day of class with instructions on how to access your course materials in Canvas.

  • Financial aid is not available for non-credit classes. Students are encouraged to inquire with their employers to determine if tuition assistance is available.
  • Payment plans may be available through the University of Utah Financial Services.
  • This course is eligible for faculty/staff tuition reduction or emeritus benefits.
  • Students may drop and receive a refund for these classes up until the semester “Last Day to Drop”, which can be found on the Academic Calendar.

Why choose the University of Utah?

We understand that you have a choice when it comes to taking professional development courses and we work hard to earn your trust with each and every class!

By selecting the University of Utah, you’ll enjoy the following benefits whether you’re coming to us as someone new to the job market, a career changer, a seasoned professional or a lifelong learner.

Resume Power - benefit from the University of Utah reputation for credibility and quality. Choosing the University of Utah for your certificate program makes a clear statement about your commitment to excellence.

Instructor Excellence - learn from the same high-quality faculty that teach in our degree programs.

The Power of the U Network – students have access to a valuable University of Utah peer and faculty network.

Programs that Fit Your Schedule – most of our certificates offer convenient online or evening classes that offer a schedule that works around you. Go to class whenever and wherever you want.

How to register for the Professional Certificate in Financial Planning

  • Register on this webpage, using the “Begin the Certificate Here” button above
  • By registering, you are declaring: 1) your intention to complete the full certificate curriculum within the four (4) year limit requirement, and 2) that you have already earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university, and maintained a 2.5 GPA during your studies.
  • This certificate is not open to students admitted to the University of Utah as a matriculated (degree-seeking) or non-matriculated (non-degree seeking) student.

Deadlines and other important application information

  • Registrations are accepted on an ongoing basis. For planning purposes, please register at least one month prior to the start of the semester. Registrations received within 5 working days of the start of the semester may not be able to start the program on time.
  • All classes for this certificate start at the beginning of each semester and follow the academic calendar.
  • Applicants can expect to receive information about their registration within 3 days of submission.
  • Applicants are asked not to register for courses prior to being admitted into the certificate program. Details about how to register for classes will be included in all new student information.
  • Students wishing to take courses individually and not as part of a certificate, do not need to submit a certificate registration and may register for classes through Academic Noncredit programs. Note that these classes cannot be applied towards a certificate at a later date. Some courses may not be offered for non-certificate seeking students.

Certificate Completion Requirements

  • Students will be required to fulfill the same expectations and requirements as matriculated students including exams, projects and participation.
  • Certificate students will receive an “S-Satisfactory” or “U-Unsatisfactory” assessment for each class. “S-Satisfactory” will indicate that the student has met the standards for at least a C-.
  • Students must receive an “S-Satisfactory" grade in all classes for successful completion.

How is my accomplishment recognized?

Upon successful completion of the certificate, the students’ education verification will be sent to the CFP Board, allowing them to sit for the CFP exam once they have completed all requirements (the certificate satisfies the Education component, one of four requirements, for CFP certification).

All classes taken will show up on the students’ University of Utah transcripts under the noncredit section.

Students will also be awarded a University of Utah digital credential (badge) that can be shared on social media sites and used with other professional resources. Digital badges are embedded with metadata that validate the skills demonstrated and other requirements for earning the badge.

Digital Credentials / Badges

Yoga teacher training badgeCaring for the Aging Population Micro-certificate badgeFollow the link on the badge to the left to find out what metadata is behind the Yoga Teacher Training Certificate or Caring for the Aging Population Micro-certificate badge. This is an example of the type of information you’ll find behind all our academic noncredit certificates.

Find out more about Digital Badges at the University of Utah

How can I achieve the CFP® Certification and become a CFP® professional?

This noncredit program meets specific criteria set forward by the CFP® Board to fulfill the education requirement to sit for the CFP® Certification Examination. Earning the CFP® certification demonstrates a standard of excellence for competent and ethical personal financial planning. Successful completion of the Education component completes one of the four core prerequisites to obtain the CFP® certification. The other three components are passing the CFP® Certification Examination, fulfilling the experience requirement, and adhering to the high standard of ethics.

Can I transfer in courses from other programs or universities?

For students who have completed CFP certificate classes previously in a for-credit format at the University of Utah, within the last five years, but who are not currently admitted, up to five 3 credit classes may be used towards the noncredit certificate. This does not apply to the capstone class, FCSC 555, which must be completed at the end of the noncredit certificate.

For students who have completed a certificate class at another CFP Board approved program, up to one 3 credit class may be transferred into the noncredit certificate. This does not apply to the capstone class, FCSC 555, which must be completed at the end of the University of Utah noncredit certificate.

What can I expect from the Financial Planning Capstone Course?

The capstone course is a unique experience that will integrate knowledge gained in previous courses to evaluate case studies and complete projects both individually and in teams. Guest speakers and interaction with current CFP professionals bring real-world situations and experiences to this valuable course.

What are career opportunities for CFP professionals?

There are numerous career opportunities and resources available for CFP professionals. For more information about how to pursue a career in financial planning, please visit the CFP Board career development website.

Are there any special technical or computer requirements for any of the courses?

A financial calculator, such as an HP 12C, is required for FCSC 350 and recommended for the other certificate courses.

Are there exams? Am I graded?

Certificate-seeking students are expected to complete the same work and requirements as regular students. The classes are graded with a "satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory" option. For successful certificate completion, students must achieve a "satisfactory" grade in all classes.

Can I apply these classes to a degree at the University of Utah?

This certificate is noncredit and cannot be applied to any for-credit degree.

Is there a minimum or maximum number of courses a student may take in a semester?

There is no minimum or maximum number of courses a student may take in a semester. The certificate must be completed within four (4) years. Students skipping one or more semesters are encouraged to communicate with their program advisor regarding completion plans.

Are these classes eligible for federal financial aid?

No. Students pursuing a noncredit certificate are considered "non-degree seeking," a status that is not eligible for federal student aid loan programs.

What is the average weekly time commitment for each of the classes?

Students can expect to spend approximately 6 hours per week outside of the classroom, per class.

What are the online courses like?

The online courses in this certificate are flexible in that you don't have to attend online classes at a specific time. Our students use a combination of self-study and peer-to-peer interaction over an online learning network to facilitate instruction. You'll complete weekly assignments, readings, discussions, and occasional group work, as well as exams and other activities designed to enhance learning outcomes, all at times that are most convenient to you.

Using chat, video conferencing, phone calls, email, social media, bulletin boards, and more, you'll stay connected with fellow students and faculty, building personal networks along the way.

Your courses are developed by faculty and instructional designers who understand the specific needs of learners in an online environment. Special consideration is given to advance planning and setting expectations in the online classroom, so each curriculum is outlined in a syllabus distributed at the start of the course. This document provides an overview of the course assignments, grading strategy, student and faculty expectations, and course materials, as well as an understanding of the course goals and learning outcomes.

Does it matter which course I take first or in what order I take the classes?

Yes. Courses in this certificate program should be taken in sequential order. See the “Certificate Details” section above for more information.

You have a variety of resources available to help you navigate your way through your experience at the U. Below we've listed the contacts that you will likely interact with the most.

Noncredit Certificates Program

Contact the Noncredit Certificates Program for questions about class requirements, completion process or overall experience.

Taylor Bond
Certificates and Contracts Coordinator
(801) 581-7912

Contact Noncredit Certificates Program

Department of Family and Consumer Studies

Contact the Department of Family and Consumer Studies for questions about class experience and flow, pre-requisites, or any class-specific information.

Lindsay Dunn
Lead Academic Advisor
(801) 581-6521

Su Shin
Assistant Professor, Family and consumer Studies

Upcoming Classes

Class Title Next Start Date
Financial Skills For Life 05/12/2025
Family Financial Planning Capstone 08/18/2025
Building Family Wealth: Investment And Life Insurance Planning 08/18/2025
Retirement and Benefit Planning for Families 08/18/2025