Multicultural Counseling
Academic Credit

A course in diversity issues which examines counseling the culturally different client, including ethnic/cultural groups, women, sexual orientation, and disability. Mainstream counseling theories are analyzed in terms of their appropriateness across cultures. This course is grounded in an awareness and knowledge approach rather than practical skills. Contact your home department for information on the practical skills courses.

Registration Information: If you are a matriculated student, you must register for credit classes using the Campus Information System (CIS). If you are new to the University, you must first submit an application to the Admissions Office, then register using the Campus Information System (CIS).

Questions? Call Academic Programs at 801-585-9963 or use our online form.

Class Sections For Multicultural Counseling (ED PS 6360)

Summer 2025 Section 45

Credit Hours: 2
W 05/05/25 - 08/10/25
4:30 pm-6:30 pm


Price: Tuition

Instructor: Staff

Note: Students will also need to register for ED PS 6361-045 as they are taught together. 3 Wednesday broadcasts on 5/15, 5/22, 5/29 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM from SAEC to St. George Graduate Center; then in-person in St. George from 8 AM – 11 Noon from 6/10 – 6/18

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Questions? Call Academic Programs at 801-585-9963 or use our online form.