Trauma Focused Therapy
Academic Credit

Individual seminars.

Registration Information: If you are a matriculated student, you must register for credit classes using the Campus Information System (CIS). If you are new to the University, you must first submit an application to the Admissions Office, then register using the Campus Information System (CIS).

Questions? Call Academic Programs at 801-585-9963 or use our online form.

Class Sections For Trauma Focused Therapy (ED PS 6960)

Summer 2025 Section 45

Credit Hours: 3
MTWThF 05/05/25 - 05/09/25
8:00 am-5:00 pm


Price: Tuition

Instructor: Staff

Note: This class is restricted to students who will be attending class at the St. George Campus. SLC students should register for EDPS 6960-032. Course to be held 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025, MTWThF from 8 am to 5 pm MST.

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Questions? Call Academic Programs at 801-585-9963 or use our online form.