World Music
Academic Credit

A selective survey of the music of the indigenous peoples of Africa, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and the Americas. The course will examine the ways that music functions within these cultures. The students will study the music itself, the people who make it, the instruments they use, and the complex of ideas, behaviors, and processes that are involved in the production of this music. This course is open to all University of Utah students. This lecture course will serve as the School of Music's elective for the Baccalaureate International Requirement. IR, FF

Registration Information: If you are a matriculated student, you must register for credit classes using the Campus Information System (CIS). If you are new to the University, you must first submit an application to the Admissions Office, then register using the Campus Information System (CIS).

Questions? Call Academic Programs at 801-585-9963 or use our online form.

Class Sections For World Music (MUSC 1250)

Summer 2025 Section 70

Credit Hours: 3
MTWThF 05/05/25 - 05/09/25
8:00 am-5:00 pm


Price: Tuition + Special Fee: $46.47

Instructor: EMILY NELSON

Note: This class meets IN PERSON the week prior to the Summer Semester, Monday-Friday, May 5th - 9th. Class meets each day from 8am-5pm with a lunch break daily. This class will meet via CANVAS on Jul 7 from 6-8 p.m. Students are required to attend each class session IN PERSON. In addition to time spent in the classroom, students are required to complete online lectures, assignments, and exams. Readings and/or assignments may be due prior to the first day of class. Please check with instructor or refer to the class syllabus in Canvas. This class meets at the Sandy Center at 10011 Centennial Parkway, Suite 100, Sandy. For directions call 801.587.2520 or visit For questions, email or visit our website at

Fall 2025 Section 70

Credit Hours: 3
MTWThF 08/11/25 - 08/15/25
8:00 am-5:00 pm


Price: Tuition + Special Fee: $52.59

Instructor: EMILY NELSON

Note: This class meets IN PERSON at the Sandy Center the week prior to the semester, Monday - Friday August 11-15 from 8 am- 5 pm (there will be a lunch break), PLUS November 11th 6pm-8pm via CANVAS. Students are required to attend each class session IN PERSON. In addition to time spent in the classroom, students will also be required to complete additional online lectures. assignments, or exams. Reading and/or assignments may be due prior to the first day of class, please check with instructor or refer to the class syllabus on the class schedule. Please email with questions. To determine the last day to drop this miscellaneous course, see This class meets at the Sandy Center at 10011 Centennial Parkway, Suite 100, Sandy. For directions call 801.587.2520 or visit

Questions? Call Academic Programs at 801-585-9963 or use our online form.