Spanish Classes
Academic Credit

All Current Classes

Registration Information: If you are a matriculated student, you must register for credit classes using the Campus Information System (CIS). If you are new to the University, you must first submit an application to the Admissions Office, then register using the Campus Information System (CIS).

Subject Catalog Title Semester Location
SPAN 101 Spanish: Beginning I Summer, Fall Multiple
SPAN 102 Spanish: Beginning II Summer, Fall Multiple
SPAN 201 Spanish: Intermediate I Summer, Fall Multiple
SPAN 202 Spanish: Intermediate II Summer, Fall Multiple
SPAN 260 Spanish Conversation Fall GC 1760
SPAN 302 Spanish Conversation & Reading Fall Multiple
SPAN 304 Spanish Grammar & Composition: Intermediate Fall BU C 303
SPAN 455 Histories and Cultures of Spain Fall GC 2575
SPAN 456 Latin American Cult & Soc Fall BU C 305
SPAN 462 Introduction to Spanish Literature Fall WBB 820
SPAN 463 Spanish American Literature: Survey of Fall BU C 211
SPAN 477 Hispanic Film and Culture Fall BU C 305
SPAN 490 Special Topics Summer GC 3660

Questions? Call Academic Programs at 801-585-9963 or use our online form.