Continuing Education Current Class Search

This list of our past classes includes a form you can fill out to be notified when the class runs again.

Go Learn tours are not included in the class search. Please see their main page for current tour information.

Showing 1036 - 1050 of 1103 classes
per page
Class Title Semester Date(s) Location Program
Using Scrivener to Outline, Draft, and Edit Your Novels and Short Stories Summer 5/12/25 - 6/02/25 UUCE 132 Lifelong Learning
*Utah and the Mountain Men: History of the Fur Trade in Utah Spring 3/24/25 - 4/28/25 Multiple Osher Lifelong Learning
*Utah Opera Preview: Puccini's "Madame Butterfly" Spring 4/22/25 SLC UT Osher Lifelong Learning
Utah Philharmonia Fall 8/18/25 - 12/04/25 DGH 272 Academic Noncredit
*Utah Symphony Finishing Touches Preview: Dvorak's Symphony No. 8 Spring 3/20/25 SLC UT Osher Lifelong Learning
Utah's Onaqui Wild Horse Herd Spring, Summer Multiple Multiple Lifelong Learning
*Utilizing Dignity: Engaging in Difficult Conversations Spring 3/25/25 - 4/29/25 UUCE 238 Osher Lifelong Learning
Vector Calculus and Partial Differential Equations for Engineers Summer 5/12/25 - 7/30/25 WBB 207 Academic Noncredit
Vegetable Gardening Basics Spring 4/02/25 - 4/26/25 Multiple Lifelong Learning
Vegetable Gardening: Extending the Harvest Summer 7/16/25 - 7/19/25 Multiple Lifelong Learning
Video Game Storytelling Summer, Fall Multiple Multiple Academic Noncredit
Vietnamese: 3rd Year I Fall 8/18/25 - 12/04/25 CTIHB 211 Academic Noncredit
Vietnamese: Beginning I Fall 8/18/25 - 12/04/25 CTIHB 211 Academic Noncredit
Vietnamese: Beginning II Spring 1/06/25 - 4/22/25 CTIHB 211 Academic Noncredit
Vietnamese: Intermediate I Fall 8/18/25 - 12/04/25 CTIHB 211 Academic Noncredit