Continuing Education Current Class Search

This list of our past classes includes a form you can fill out to be notified when the class runs again.

Go Learn tours are not included in the class search. Please see their main page for current tour information.

Showing 646 - 660 of 684 classes
per page
Class Title Semester Date(s) Location Program
Vietnamese: Beginning II Spring 1/06/25 - 4/22/25 CTIHB 211 Academic Noncredit
Vietnamese: Intermediate II Spring 1/06/25 - 4/22/25 CTIHB 211 Academic Noncredit
Voci Altissime Spring 1/06/25 - 4/22/25 DGH 270 Academic Noncredit
Voice Acting: An Introduction Spring Multiple Multiple Lifelong Learning
Volleyball: Intermediate Spring 1/06/25 - 4/22/25 HPR E 101 Academic Noncredit
Vonnegut's 8 Rules for Writing Spring 3/06/25 UUCE 146 Lifelong Learning
Walking Tour of SLC's Unseen History Spring 4/05/25 - 4/12/25 SLC UT Lifelong Learning
Weave a One-of-a-Kind Bag Spring 4/01/25 - 4/22/25 SLC UT Lifelong Learning
Weave a Wool Rug Spring 2/05/25 - 2/26/25 SLC UT Lifelong Learning
Weight Training: Elementary Spring 1/06/25 - 4/22/25 HPR E 212 Academic Noncredit
Weight Training: Intermediate Spring 1/06/25 - 4/22/25 HPR E 212 Academic Noncredit
Welcome to Weaving: Alpaca Scarf on a Rigid Heddle Loom Spring 1/30/25 - 2/01/25 SLC UT Lifelong Learning
Welding: An Introduction Spring Multiple SLC UT Lifelong Learning
What is Gender?: Beyond the Binary Spring 3/22/25 UUCE 146 Lifelong Learning
Wheel-Thrown Ceramics: An Extended Introduction Spring 1/18/25 - 3/08/25 SLC UT Lifelong Learning