Date(s) | Class Title |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Introduction to the Study of Language (LINGC 220) |
8/19/24 - 12/05/24 | Introduction to the Visual Arts (ART 101) |
8/19/24 - 12/05/24 | Introduction to Web Design (ARTX 300) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Italian Cinema (ITAL 370) |
8/19/24 - 12/05/24 | Italian Culture: Topics in (ITAL 455) |
8/19/24 - 12/05/24 | Italian: Beginning I (ITAL 101) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Italian: Beginning II (ITAL 102) |
8/19/24 - 12/05/24 | Italian: Intermediate I (ITAL 201) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Italian: Intermediate II (ITAL 202) |
8/19/24 - 12/05/24 | Japanese: Beginning I (JAPAN 101) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Japanese: Beginning II (JAPAN 102) |
8/19/24 - 12/05/24 | Japanese: Intermediate I (JAPAN 201) |
1/06/25 - 4/22/25 | Japanese: Intermediate II (JAPAN 202) |
8/19/24 - 12/05/24 | Japanese: Third Year (JAPAN 304) |
Multiple | Jazz Combos (MUSC 475) |
Don't see the class you're looking for? Have questions? Call Academic Programs at 801-585-9963 or use our online form.