Landscape Painting with Depth and Mood
Lifelong Learning

Create captivating landscapes in oil, acrylic or watercolor. By carefully crafting mood and atmosphere, you can connect with your viewer on a deeper level, communicating emotions and narratives. You'll gain practical insights to create immersive landscapes that convey depth and mood through manipulation of value, color schemes, composition and brushwork. This course is for those who have had previous experience in their chosen medium and would like to further develop their landscape skills. You'll learn via informal lecture, demonstration, and one-on-one feedback.

Questions? Call Lifelong Learning at 801-587-5433 or use our online form.

Class Sections For Landscape Painting with Depth and Mood (LLART 442)

Fall 2024 Section 1, Starting on: 11/11/2024

This class takes place at the University Connected Learning and Continuing Education building (540 Arapeen Drive, SLC). Students are responsible for most of their own materials. Special fee is for canvas.

Date(s) Day Time Location
11/11/24 - 12/16/24 M 6:00 pm -9:00 pm UUCE 152
Tuition: $199.00 + Special Fee: $20.00 = $219.00      


Registration for this class will close on 11/10/2024 at midnight


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Questions? Call Lifelong Learning at 801-587-5433 or use our online form.

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