Language Classes
Lifelong Learning

I loved the class. The teacher [Bryan Nalder] was excellent and worked to help us feel oriented and cover enough material to allow students to pick and choose what was important for their progress." - Peter T.

Click on the heading Date(s) to display classes chronologically.
Class Title Date(s)
American Sign Language (ASL): An Introduction 6/03/25 - 6/26/25
Beginning German I 5/13/25 - 5/29/25
Conversational German 4/02/25 - 4/23/25
Conversational Italian II 3/11/25 - 4/22/25
Discovering Spanish: A Taste of Costa Rica 2/11/25 - 4/01/25
Mandarin Chinese I Online, Starting: 3/18/25
Spanish 2: A Language and Culture Classroom Experience 5/13/25 - 7/01/25
Spanish Conversation Skills I 5/12/25 - 6/30/25
Spanish I: A Language and Culture Classroom Experience 5/12/25 - 6/30/25

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