Vegetable Gardening: Extending the Harvest
Lifelong Learning

Did you know that you can continue to grow vegetables in your garden well into the fall and even winter seasons? Learn how to extend your vegetable harvest using methods such as continual plantings, garden protection, and even heat and light supplementation. You'll create a planting plan and map to determine winter sun angles and planting times for your veggies. We'll cover succession planting and tips for germinating and transplanting in the heat of the summer for cold-weather gardens. You'll leave knowing how to maintain your beautiful vegetable garden well into the chilly months.

Questions? Call Lifelong Learning at 801-587-5433 or use our online form.

Class Sections For Vegetable Gardening: Extending the Harvest (LLHG 589)

Summer 2025 Section 1, Starting on: 07/16/2025

This class takes place in person at the University Connected Learning and Continuing Education building (540 Arapeen Drive, SLC). Saturday's class is a field trip to the instructor's garden.

Date(s) Day Time Location
07/16/25 W 6:30 pm -8:30 pm UUCE 146
07/19/25 S 10:00 am -12:00 pm SLC UT
Tuition: $59.00      

Instructor: CELIA BELL

Registration for this class will close on 07/15/2025 at midnight


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Questions? Call Lifelong Learning at 801-587-5433 or use our online form.

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