Google Maps: Become a Custom Map Maker
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Discover tips and tricks for using Google Maps. Create and save custom maps to share with friends and family. Learn to map your favorite restaurants, fishing holes, bike routes, golf courses, trail heads, etc. Explore the variety of features available in Google Maps through demos, hands-on activities, and discussion. Download off-line maps to use to navigate on mobile devices. Locate indoor maps and digital directories. Bring your laptop or tablet to class.

Questions? Call Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at 801-581-6461 or use our online form.

Class Sections For Google Maps: Become a Custom Map Maker (OSHER 469)

Spring 2025 Section 1, Starting on: 02/20/2025

This class meets once a week for two weeks.

Date(s) Day Time Location
02/20/25 - 02/27/25 Th 2:00 pm -5:00 pm UUCE 249
Tuition: $69.00      

Instructor: PAT LAMBROSE

Is money a barrier to you taking classes? Call our office and ask about scholarships or learn the details here. Want to donate to the scholarship fund? You can make this gift online.

Questions? Call Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at 801-581-6461 or use our online form.

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