Lunch and Learn lectures are wonderful opportunities to experience a sampling of the Osher program firsthand. All six lectures will be held via Zoom Webinar. We will be broadcasting the lectures at 540 Arapeen Drive from 12 PM until 1 PM, for those who would like the option to gather in person to watch the Zoom Event. Grab your brown bag lunch, invite a friend, and join us for these informative, interesting, free lectures!
In Salt Lake City We will be broadcasting the lecture at 540 Arapeen Drive from 12 PM until 1 PM, for those who would like the option to gather in person to watch the Zoom Event.
For our St. George Learners We will be broadcasting the lecture at the St. George Graduate Center in Room 101 from 12 PM until 1 PM. The Graduate Center is located at 1071 E 100 S, St. George, UT
Salt Lake Coutny Zoo Arts and Parks Most webinars are recorded and made available on our website for later viewing. Free Lunch & Learns are supported by ZAP.
Did you miss a lecture or hope to watch one again? View our archives.
Behind the Scenes at the Utah Governor's Office
March 26, 2025, 12:00-1:00 pm
By Mike Mower, Senior Advisor, Community Outreach and Intergovernmental Relations Office of Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox
This talk will highlight stories from the Utah Governor's Office, especially highlighting Governors Leavitt, Walker, Huntsman, Herbert, and Cox. Over the past 20 years, Mike Mower has worked closely with all of these Utah leaders and will share stories and insight from this recent Utah history.
Active Aggressor Training
April 2, 2025, 12:00-1:00 pm
By University of Utah Police Force Staff
U Police offers educational presentations to the University of Utah community: students, departments, U partners, on-campus organizations, and any office at the University of Utah, including the University Hospital. A U Police staff member will present an example of this program that is mandated for all departments. This program is designed to prepare participants with strategies to respond to mass casualty events and offer suggestions about ways to respond to an active person seeking to harm others by way of a weapon or other means. We will also touch on other safety tips for improving situational awareness, vehicle safety, and information about how to request police assistance. There will be a question-and-answer period at the end of the presentation.
The Power of Hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games
April 9, 2025, 12:00-1:00 pm
By Fraser Bullock, President and CEO, Salt Lake City-Utah Committee for the Olympic Games
This presentation will review key events of the 2002 Games and their impacts on our communities, our nation, and the world. Looking forward to 2034 and the opportunities before us, we will examine how we can use the Games to have a significant positive impact in many ways for our future.
Can/Should the US Be Energy Independent?
April 16, 2025, 12:00-1:00 pm
By Alan Eastman, PhD, Retired Research Chemist, Osher Instructor, and Co-founder of GreenFire Energy
We have heard a lot of political rhetoric about making the US "energy independent," but have had the benefit of very little information about what that means or if it is even possible. Dr. Eastman will draw on his 45 years of experience in the US energy industry to help attendees understand what's really going on here, stripped of its political veneer. For example, by some definitions, we are already energy independent, and by some calculations, it is impossible to be energy independent for more than a few years. Fortunately, the principles behind all this discussion are easy to understand, but the consequences of how we approach the problem will affect our nation for decades to come.
Celebrating Self-Determination
April 23, 2025, 12:00-1:00 pm
By Eric Stoker, Information Specialist Utah Developmental Disabilities Council
Come celebrate self-determination with this interactive session! Eric Stoker has spoken nationwide about issues that affect people of all ages with disabilities and autism. He will share his life experiences as a self-advocate. He will also address barriers people have faced in becoming self-determined and how they overcame their obstacles. We will learn what self-advocates would like to experience in their future and so much more.
Your Visit Matters -- Utah Travel & Tourism
April 30, 2025, 12:00-1:00 pm
By Anna Loughridge, Public Relations Manager, Utah Office of Tourism
The Utah Office of Tourism is building an enduring visitor economy that supports the quality of life of all Utahns. Learn about the work of the Utah Office of Tourism, our state’s dynamic visitor economy, and new places to explore! Mother Nature played favorites here in Utah from our Mighty 5 national parks to the greatest snow on earth. Get inspired to discover our culture, explore a less-traveled trail, shop and dine in our local communities, or hire guides and outfitters for your adventure -- really take the time to immerse yourselves in a new Utah experience. Come learn where to go and how to get there!
Bernard Osher set up the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute to be member-led and volunteer-driven. We would appreciate any suggestions for future topics of interest to you for Lunch and Learn Lectures. We especially appreciate recommendations of speakers who could present topics for us in future terms. Thank you for your participation and support!