Osher communicates with our 1600+ members weekly via our Monday morning newsletters and our social media accounts. Please subscribe to learn about all the latest classes and events in the upcoming week, as well as read bios of instructors new to teaching in our program, and hear about campus and community events of interest to Osher members. Read below for a handy archive of past newsletter and podcast editions.
Follow Us On Osher Social Media Accounts!
Plan Ahead
Osher Offers Classes During Four Terms per Year:
Fall ~ mid-September-October ~ Courses Posted & Registration in early August
Winter ~ mid-January-February ~ Courses Posted & Registration in early Dec
Spring ~ Late March- early May ~ Courses Posted & Registration in early March
Summer ~ Late May- end of June ~ Courses Posted & Registration in early May
Our Big Annual Events:
Open House & Fall Course Preview ~ early August, Red Butte Garden
Member Luncheon & Winter Course Preview ~ early December, Little America
Spring Fling & Course Preview ~ early March, U of U Campus Spots
Osher Weekly Newsletters
Osher Stories Podcasts
Announcing Osher Stories - Our New Podcast!
In celebration of our 20th Anniversary, we are collecting recorded interviews with Osher members, instructors, and volunteers as they share their experiences and describe what this wonderful program has meant to them in their lives. Our goal is to share 20 stories with our membership and with people "age 50 or better" in the community who may be looking for something new at this stage of life. Listen in as members tell us about how they first found out about Osher, friendships they have formed here, what favorite classes and instructors have been, and unique perspectives about how learning and curiosity never retire!
Host: Julie Myers, Osher member and 20th Anniversary Committee Volunteer
Series 1
- Episode 1 - Julie Myers
Julie Myers shares her commitment to her parents and their joyous journey through Osher classes and events.
Duration: 24:04
- Episode 2 - David Anson
David Anson talks about his renewed interest in Geology, and exploring new frontiers into art history and film. All this he credits to Osher classes.
Duration: 19:30
- Episode 3 - SIGS or Shared Interest Groups
Covid-isolated online Osher friends recollect their three-year relationship sharing Zoom squares and virtual hugs; continuing today with their weekly investigation of current issues and events.
Duration: 32:06
- Episode 4 - David Hibdon
David Hibdon tells of his earliest Osher classes, the teachers that have further challenged his curiosity, and his pursuit to learn and understand.
Duration: 23:49
- Episode 5- Hiking SIG
Hiking through rain, bugs, and dust, intrepid Osher adventurers find camaraderie in Utah’s mountains, lakes, rivers, and deserts. They unanimously agree that “it’s all about the snacks.”
Duration: 30:02
Series 2
- Episode 6 - Patricia Pignanelli
Patricia Pignanelli interviews Carolyn Carey and Julie Myers and their perspective on Osher’s current and future role in the community.
Duration: 30:22
- Episode 7 (Bite-Size) - Jill Meyer, Pamela Holman, and Abdulnaser Kaadan
Jill Meyer introduces Osher Stories, and Instructor Perspectives from Pamela Holman and Abdulnaser Kaadan.
Duration: 10:56
- Episode 8 (Bite-Size) - Jill Meyer
How did our director, Jill Meyer, discover Osher? McCune Mansion, Motherhood, and The Met.
Duration: 10:33
- Episode 9 (Bite-Size)- Gabino Flores Guitar Solo
Classical guitarist Gabino Flores shares a masterful and melodic story with music.
Duration: 10:05
- Episode 10 (Bite-Size)- Lacy Egbert
Longtime Continuing Education staff member Lacy Egbert gives witness to the Utah Osher origin story.
Duration: 10:04
- Episode 11 (Bite-Size)- Terrell Dougan
Osher instructor and longtime member Terrell Dougan finds joy and reflection through Shakespeare, tracing, and laundry.
Duration: 7:34
- Episode 12 (Bite-Size)- Dave Mastroianni, Tim Chambless, Wayne Egan, and Paul Carpenter
Instructor perspectives from Dave Mastroianni, Tim Chambless, Wayne Egan, and Paul Carpenter.
Duration: 11:44