Leadership Forum for the Engaged Executive Director Begins on Feb. 23; Grant by American Express Charitable Fund Reduces Cost by 50% for Utah's Nonprofit Community
February 2, 2012 – Years of record cutbacks followed by drastic, ongoing cuts to government support has left nonprofit leaders struggling to deal with unprecedented challenges. In response, the University of Utah recently launched a series aimed at giving executive directors the skills, insight and community networks they need to keep Utah's nonprofit organizations afloat in this new economy.
"It's no secret that nonprofits have been hit hard by the past few years," said Anne O'Brien, Director of Professional Education at the U. "In many ways, the entire financial landscape has shifted, and many leaders are realizing they to need to hone their leadership skills to adapt."
Developed by the U of U's Nonprofit Academy for Excellence and a group of experienced Executive Director mentors, the Leadership Forum for the Engaged Executive Director will address critical, executive-level issues through case studies, hands-on learning and peer-to-peer networking. Presented as a series of targeted, interactive sessions beginning on Feb. 23, 2012, the Forum will bring together seasoned nonprofit veterans to share expertise and brainstorm about the road ahead.
Each class will be taught by a panel of nonprofit experts, including Phyllis Hockett, co-founder of Pathway Associates; Chriss Sharer, CEO, Make-A-Wish Foundation of Utah; and Kai Wilson, Executive Director of and Justice for all. "We're encouraging participants to put new knowledge into practice between sessions and then come to class with feedback, questions and success stories," said Wilson.
The Leadership Forum was recently awarded a grant from the American Express Charitable Fund to reduce the cost of the course for Utah's nonprofit leaders by almost 50 percent.
"We're proud to support this leadership series because it's an investment in the future of our community," said Dan Clayton, manager of public affairs for American Express in Salt Lake. "A contribution may last a season, but this effort to develop the local nonprofit community has a far more lasting impact on organizations and individuals who provide service to our fellow Utahans."
Still reeling from years of record cutbacks in support, nonprofit leaders now face at least two more years of declining government aid, according to a new study published in the Chronicle of Philanthropy. As federal stimulus funding runs out, states are projected to cut spending by $38.5-billion just in Medicaid, social services and education, leaving a funding deficit for nonprofits that would require individual donations to increase by as much as 60 percent to maintain current levels.
In addition, new research is finding that nonprofit leaders don't have the essential skills to deal with current financial, human resource and program-related challenges. A recent, three-year survey of thousands of nonprofit leaders nationwide by the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) concluded that "today's leadership capacity is insufficient to meet leadership requirements."
The Leadership Forum will cover the areas identified by the CCL — and by over 26 Utah nonprofit executive directors who were part of a recent focus group — as most important for nonprofit sustainability and stability: leading individuals as well as coalitions of people and organizations, thinking strategically, inspiring commitment, and managing change — in addition to other essential skills ranging from problem solving to building high-performance teams.
"If there's ever been a time for effective leadership, this is it." said Hockett. "Executive Directors across the board are thinking creatively, gathering myriad resources and continuing to focus on what is most important – the people and missions they serve."
"It's been a turbulent couple of years, but a brighter future is in sight," O'Brien added. "Nonprofits play a critical role in our state and the 2012 Leadership Forum's role is to give nonprofit executives the skills they need to succeed."
The spring 2012 session of the Leadership Forum for the Engaged Executive Director starts Feb. 23, with the subsequent sessions on March 22 and April 26. Sessions run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m at the U of U's Murray Campus, 5282 S. 320 W., Suite D-110. To register or for more information visit www.proed.utah.edu/nonprofit or call 801-585-1780.
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The Nonprofit Academy for Excellence at the University of Utah is a center for excellence that provides learning opportunities customized for managers, staff, and trustees of Utah's nonprofit community, and promotes enhanced organizational capacity and effectiveness to professionals seeking training and development in nonprofit management. In addition to high-quality, affordable courses, the Academy offers a meeting place for nonprofit professionals to share ideas and strategies and build relationships that last beyond the classroom.
Continuing Education at the U enriches the lives of people of all ages in the greater community and beyond by providing extraordinary learning opportunities from the university. The division encompasses nine programs: Academic Non-Credit, Lifelong Learning, Exam/Test Preparation, Professional Education, Technology Education, Youth Education, Distance Education, the Osher Institute for Lifelong Learning and the English Language Institute. Founded in 1911, Continuing Education offers credit and non-credit courses that serve over 30,000 students annually from around the world. Information about each of Continuing Ed's programs can be found at www.continue.utah.edu.